October 20th and 21st, 2001
Equipe Rapide Autocross Videos

These are the video clips shot at the October 20th and 21st, 2001 Autocross held on the grounds of the Miami Metro Zoo.

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Have you got a great photograph or video clip that you'd like to see posted here? Drop us a line and let us know!

A few of these videos have been encoded using the all new (September 2001) DivX 4.02 codecs.  If you haven't already upgraded, get the new codec from DivX.com. If you haven't upgraded yet, these videos may not play!  If you've upgraded your video codec and are still having problems, email Terry@RiedelVideo.com.

Mike Vidal

Mike Vidal pushes his 'vette hard in the rain and spins on the back stretch.

Download this 6.15MB DivX video. (1:07 Minutes)

On Board with Frank Jacobs

Take a soggy ride on board Frank Jacobs Honda S2000.

Download this 9.55MB DivX video. (1:31 Minutes)

On Board with Brooks Weisblat

It's wet out there - really wet! Take a ride with Brooks on board his Viper and see what it's like trying to find the course in the rain.

Download this 12.4MB DivX video. (1:57 Minutes)

#96 Miata

How deep were the puddles that weekend? You could have tied a pair of waterskis to the rollbar on this Miata!

Download this 8.61MB DivX video. (1:28 Minutes)

Sellin Rolan

Big horsepower, slick tires, wet track, you fill in the rest!

Download this 14.9MB DivX video. (1:14 Minutes)

Serfin Daniels

Not exactly convertible weather! Serfin Daniels spins his beautiful convertible Mustang in the rain.

Download this 4.04MB DivX video. (0:40 Minutes)

Frank Luaces

Frank Luaces loops his Alfa Romeo in the rain.

Download this 9.32B DivX video. (1:08 Minutes)

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December Speedtrial and Autocross videos coming soon!